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I saw on reddit and really like this. 

Saw this on Reddit and tried it out.
Cool concept
5 min game
Very enjoyable with the simple art and consistent physics.
Try to expand the concept!


INITIAL REVIEW: I think if this could be expanded to be a mobile game with some polish, this could certainly work for a 5-minute game I could play on the train. 

The physics and art elements go hand in hand, and I feel that it's a clever idea and invention.

My only major complaints are that the character got stuck near the end of my first playthrough and the physics could do with some tweaking.

Overall, however, this is an enjoyable art/physics game. 


Very unique and cool concept. Lots of ways I can see this being expanded.

I liked the snapshot at the end. I think "infinite scrolling arcade" games should do this more often.

One thing that I disliked: The ship is almost always struggling against gravity. I'm holding down the booster constantly, and I often struggle to gain height. I think the game would be improved if gravity were turned down to the point that players only need to be boosting 50~80% of the time.

I have an issue with frame drops that would decrease the propelling force. I'll see if I can tweak it to avoid the problem you mentioned. Thanks for the feedback!

Love it! Never seen anything like this


I really like this one, 864 score ;)

Glad you like it! You almost break it if you reach four digits ;)

The game is nice but i dont unterstand what is linked together?

The particles would fuse/link together when touched, and would break apart when the acid rain hits. It's joined together in a more micro scale if that makes sense

Oh ok thanks ^^